What are the Philosophical Assumptions of Behavior Analysis? With Dr. Kaitlynn Gokey

In this episode of BOOST U!, Maddie Duke, MS, BCBA, talks with Dr. Kaitlynn Gokey, PhD, BCBA, about the philosophical assumptions of behavior analysis. Listeners will learn about each of the philosophical assumptions, with examples provided. BOOST U! publishes 2 new episodes every month, and our goal is to help students study for the BCBA® exam. 


BOOST U! is meant to help you study for the BCBA exam! If you have questions you want us to answer, fill out our form here: https://forms.gle/vYT38jTvPBnfLWuK8 

For more information about BOOST products: boostexamprep.com

If you have feedback or suggestions, please contact us!

Maddie: mduke@abatechnologies.com   

Dr. Gokey: kgokey2010@my.fit.edu

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