The Consulting Supervisor and New Supervisor Workbooks
About the Workbooks
In this pair of workbooks, Linda LeBlanc and Tyra Sellers continue their efforts to provide useful resources to guide supervision and mentoring. These workbooks are designed to be practical coordinated supports to help Consulting Supervisors and New BCBA® Supervisors meet the BACB® requirements that took effect on January 1, 2022. The Consulting Supervisor workbook provides complete agendas, background information, and activities that can guide each month of Consultation with a New BCBA® supervisor. The focus is on self-reflection, self-assessment, and careful planning to make the greatest impact with the New BCBA® who is learning to supervise trainees. The New BCBA® Supervisor workbook is a coordinated companion resource for the new BCBA®. Each month includes planning guides for the meeting with the Consulting Supervisor and planning guides for all contacts with trainees throughout the month. There is a heavy focus on the importance of strong relationships and teaching higher-order skills. The activities and resources provide support for new supervisors and even for those who have been supervising for a while. These workbooks can be used individually, in conjunction with each other, or in conjunction with their prior text Building and Sustaining Meaningful and Effective Relationships as a Supervisor and Mentor.

About the Book
In this text published by Sloan Publishing in 2020, the authors Linda LeBlanc, Tyra Sellers, and Shahla Ala’i explore entry-level and advanced supervision topics. The book focuses on the importance of strong relationships and teaching higher-order skills throughout any supervisory endeavor. The authors provide a conceptually sound set of supervision practices that will guide the actions of those who aspire to become better supervisors or mentors at any point in their careers. The book focuses on including and celebrating people from diverse cultural backgrounds and life experiences (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender identity). Throughout the text, the strategy of self-reflection is used to guide readers in developing plans for their professional growth and for fostering the growth of others.
About the Authors
Linda A. LeBlanc, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Licensed Psychologist, is the President of LeBlanc Behavioral Consulting. Her 25-year career has included academic positions at Claremont McKenna College, Western Michigan University, and Auburn University, as well as leadership positions in human services organizations. She established LeBlanc Behavioral Consulting in 2017 and consults with technology companies, universities, and behavior analytic human service organizations. Her research interests include behavioral treatment of autism, technology-based behavioral interventions, supervision and mentorship, leadership, and systems development in human services.
Tyra P. Sellers, J.D., Ph.D., BCBA-D, is the Director of Ethics at the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. During her career, she has held leadership positions in clinical service agencies, owned her own consulting company, and worked as an Assistant Professor at Utah State University. Her professional and research interests focus on professional ethics, training, supervision and mentoring, assessment and treatment of severe problem behavior, and variability.
A Look Inside the Workbooks

The Lift with Dr. Linda LeBlanc & Dr. Tyra Sellers
Supervision. Mentorship. Sponsorship. Rising tides lift all boats. High-quality supervision serves as the rising tide that lifts the boats of trainees, the people we serve, and the entire field. Given that we need to be lifted, it's important to think about the load that we're lifting and providing excellent supervision. Mentorship is that fruitful. It's not an easy thing. It takes time and effort.
The Lift embodies this idea that when there's a heavy load to bear, you must be prepared for it. You must do it mindfully. The more you do it, the stronger you will become, right? But it's probably going to be a little painful. If we're lifting together, we're sharing the burden, we’re lessening the effort for folks who maybe haven't lifted as much in the past.
The Lift is here to lift the profession, to lift supervisors, supervisees/trainees, as well as the idea that this lift is hard and it's heavy, but together we can bear that burden a little bit more effectively.
Episodes of this podcast can be worth CEU credit.
The Consulting Supervisor and New Supervisor Workbooks