Evaluating the Effects of Supervision Part 1
In the same way that clinicians continually evaluate the outcomes of clinical services, supervisors must engage in active, ongoing evaluation of the effects of their supervisory practices to determine what is going well and what needs to be improved.
Evaluating the effects of supervision is an ongoing process of: reviewing, reflecting, revising
Data to Capture and Evaluate
1. Client Related
- Affect — are they happy, engaged, comfortable
- Programming is appropriate and robust
- Progress within and across acquisition programs
- Progress on behavior reductive programs
- Appropriate generalization and maintenance
2. Caregiver Related
- Goals are appropriate and progress is consistent
- Social validity (i.e., informal and formal feedback from caregivers)
- Rate of cancelation
3. Supervisee/Trainee Related
- Acquisition of knowledge and skills
- Consistently high procedural integrity and interobserver agreement
- Case conceptualization and management skills
- Professionalism, organization, time management, interpersonal communication skills
- Social validity (i.e., informal and formal feedback from supervisee/trainee)
4. YOU — Supervisor Related
- Your private events related to supervision and each supervisee/trainee
- Continued skill refinement and improvement