Building Collaborative Supervisory Relationships
Building and Sustaining Meaningful and Effective Relationships as a Supervisor and Mentor Chapter 2
Effective supervisory relationships require a strong foundation built from collaboration and a clear commitment to the ultimate outcomes of the relationship.
Building Blocks for a Strong Foundation
A clear understanding of roles and scope
Well defined expectations
A collaborative and participatory approach to identifying goals
Shared responsibility for the health of the supervisory relationship
Frequent bi-directional feedback and open discussions
Actions for Growing Committed and Healthy Learning Context
- Being attentive
- be actively present
- Acknowledging and facilitating the learning process
- both people are learning; mistakes are welcome
- Welcoming different perspectives and diversity
- there is no “one right perspective/way”
- Learning about past experiences and preferences
- Providing frequent positive and constructive feedback
- Engaging in ongoing communication and feedback
- a constant bi-directional process