Free Performance Diagnostic Checklist Download
About the Performace Diagnostic Checklist (PDC)
This free tool is a modified version of a Performance Diagnostic Checklist, based on the original Performance Diagnostic Checklist (Austin, 2000) and the Performance Diagnostic Checklist-Human Services (Carr, Wilder, Majdalany, Mathisen, & Strain, 2013). The PDC is another tool for assessing the contingencies surrounding the performance of an individual or group of workers. It is typically administered in the form of an interview with managers and key performers to understand how well enabled they are to perform the pinpointed behaviors. The PDC assesses variables in four categories—antecedents and information, equipment and processes, knowledge and skills, and consequences.
This free tool is easy to navigate using clickable tabs on the right side of the page, SPACE, and shortcuts; you can quickly navigate to tools corresponding with specific phases of the SPACE Model. The tools include interactive checkboxes and text space, allowing you to complete the tools electronically. Having all the tools in one file provides easy access to reference the tools and decisions over the life of your OBM project.

Making meaningful changes in an organization requires attention to detail and thorough analysis. A lot of time, money, and effort can be wasted if an organization makes changes on a whim or by basing decisions on limited information. The OBM Specialist Certificate will teach you how to properly assess your organization's needs in a comprehensive manner. One tool that is used to narrow down variables in need of improvement for an organization is the Performance Diagnostic Checklist. This is used to evaluate the Antecedents and Information, Equipment and Processes, Knowledge and Skills, and Consequences for an individual or group of workers. We have included a free download of a modified version of the Performance Diagnostic Checklist, based on the original Performance Diagnostic Checklist (Austin, 2000) and the Performance Diagnostic Checklist-Human Services (Carr, Wilder, Majdalany, Mathisen, & Strain, 2013).
This tool is best used as a guide to interview key performers and stakeholders as well as use as a checklist when conducting observations. You will find that it may be best to slightly modify the wording of some of the questions to ensure that they pertain to case-specific variables of your situation or the organization of interest. We recommend using it to guide the interview process, rather than simply handing this to another person to fill out. After answering yes/no to questions in each of the four categories, those categories with the most no responses indicate an opportunity for improvement, and thus which type of intervention would be most appropriate. The OBM Specialist Certificate offers a series of considerations to resolve no responses corresponding to each question.
The PDC is part of the larger OBM Specialist Interactive Workbook designed to be your go-to resource for any OBM work. This toolkit contains all the tools included in the OBM Specialist Certificate course. The toolkit file is organized according to the OBM Model, and SPACE Model. The five phases of the SPACE model are integral to any OBM Project, and the major deliverables within each phase are outlined.