Exceptional Supervisor Certificate FAQs
General FAQs
What is the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate?
The Exceptional supervisor certificate is essentially a “leadership 101” training program, suitable for anyone who works in a position where they have to manage the performance of other people, in any industry. It consists of 10 different modules, each covering a different skillset. The skillsets are considered to be some basic, core competencies that help leaders influence performance in a positive manner to have a meaningful impact on others and the organization.
What makes the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate unique from other leadership training?
The Exceptional Supervisor Certificate teaches you some of the fundamental concepts from the science of learning and behavior. You will finish the program with a better understanding of how we all learn, why we do what we do, and how to apply the concepts to the workplace to make meaningful change in an organization.
Additionally, the very same science of learning and behavior are applied in the design of this program. Each module includes videos that teach and provide examples of the concepts and how they are applied to each skillset, as well as activities and a workbook, designed to have you apply the content to your own job. The goal is for you to have meaningful, lasting changes in your behavior to influence performance positively and drive organizational outcomes.
What is the Competency Needs Assessment tool?
The Competency Needs Assessment is a free tool that you can use before enrolling in the course. It is designed to help you evaluate your current performance in the skills that are covered in the program, as well as how important you think those skillsets are to you in your current workplace.
How long is the program?
The total duration of the videos in the course is approximately 7 hours and 20 minutes. Each module includes a worksheet with some reading and activities, and at the end of each module, you are encouraged to practice applying the content in your workplace before moving on to the next module. Because of this applied component, you will have 90 days to complete the course.
Module 1: 1 hr., 46 min
Module 2: 38 min
Module 3: 28 min
Module 4: 25 min
Module 5: 57 min
Module 6: 45 min
Module 7: 42 min
Module 8: 30 min
Module 9: 37 min
Module 10: 29 min
How will my performance in the program be graded?
This is a professional development program, so you will not receive a grade in this course. However, you must finish watching the videos in every module to receive the certificate and continuing education. Your progress in completing the videos will be visible to course managers via the learning management system, Canvas.
I want to send a group of my employees through a leadership training program. Is the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate right for this purpose?
Yes. At the end of each module, participants are prompted to set a goal for themselves related to applying the content in their workplace. Organizations have enjoyed sending groups of employees through this program so that peers can help each other learn and apply the content and hold each other accountable as they work toward their goals.
Is there a discount for groups?
Yes. There is a “buy 5 get 1 free” discount for every group of 6 people. For every five registrations for the same course, your organization earns one scholarship registration. This does not have to be at the same time or even in the same year. Learn more.
FAQs for Behavior Analysts
Is this program right for behavior analysts?
Yes. This program is appropriate for behavior analysts working in any setting, especially those who manage the performance of other people. Behavior analysts who supervise trainees and supervisees have a goal to provide high-quality services that result in client improvement, and they often do this indirectly, by training and coaching others who work directly with the client. The Exceptional Supervisor Certificate teaches behavior analysts some of the skills needed to establish positive and committed relationships with those they lead, and to influence performance in a positive manner using the behavioral principles they already know.
However, this course was designed for all professionals, including people who have limited or no education in behavior analysis. Therefore, the first module of the program covers some of the basic behavioral science concepts that behavior analysts already know. If you do not have much training or experience in organizational behavior management, some of the content in module 1 will still be quite new to you, as you will learn and see examples of the concepts applied to the workplace.
Will I receive a BACB continuing education?
Yes. After completing the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate, you will receive 7.5 BACB CEUs. Three of these can be counted as Supervision CEUs. The value might seem low when compared to the duration of the course. However, some of the basic behavioral science content is not appropriate for continuing education for behavior analysts, so it is not factored into the total CE value.
I am interested in pursuing a career in Organizational Behavior Management. Will this program be beneficial to me?
Behavior analysts who are interested in pursuing an OBM related career, particularly as an internal or external consultant, may find this a valuable course for their professional development.
Behavior analysts interested in working in this type of role will appreciate the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate as an example of teaching the science to a general audience, with the added benefit of improving their own influencing skills. This is because OBM consultants work with leaders to teach them how behavior drives organizational results, and how behavior is influenced in organizations. To create lasting and meaningful change, OBM consultants influence and support leaders to first change their behavior.
This course will provide insights and examples; however, the course is not intended to teach you how to be a consultant. There are additional skills needed for successful consulting, which are not covered in this program. Before pursuing a career in OBM, it is best to identify which type of work most interests you, define your goals, and seek training and mentorship specific to those goals.
May I take the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate to fulfill my 8-hour supervisor training requirement?
No. The Exceptional Supervisor Certificate goes above and beyond the 8-hour supervisor training, covering some of the leadership “soft skills” and core competencies needed to make meaningful change in the workplace. If you are looking for the course that will fulfill your 8-hour supervisor training requirement, please see our 21st Century Supervision Course Series.
Do behavior analysts receive a discount?
Yes. In addition to the scholarship discounts described in the group discount FAQ above, upon completion of BEHP1191-2: The 21st Century BCBA Supervision Course Series in the CourseWebs learning management system, a 50% discount coupon code will be available for that learners’ registration in BEHP1228: Exceptional Supervisor Certificate in the Canvas Catalog LMS. If you have already completed the 21st Century Supervision Course Series and did not receive a coupon code for the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate, please e-mail us at ceu@fit.edu.