John R. Lutzker, PhD
CE Course & Workshop Instructor

John R. Lutzker, Ph. D. (University of Kansas), is director of the Center for Healthy Development and professor and associate dean of public health at Georgia State University. Among his previous positions was chief of the Prevention Development and Evaluation Branch of the Division of Violence Prevention in the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He is the developer/founder of SafeCare.® He has published over 160 professional articles and chapters and six books and has made over 425 professional presentations, nationally and internationally. Dr. Lutzker is past-president of Division 33 of the American Psychological Association in which he is a fellow in five divisions. Among his awards are the Alumni Distinguished Achievement Award from the Department of Applied Behavioral Science at the University of Kansas, Outstanding Research Career Award from the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children and Visiting Scholar in Practice, Emory University School of Law, Georgia Child Welfare Legal Academy. He is on the editorial boards of Journal of Family Violence, Child and Family Behavior Therapy, Behavioral Interventions, International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, International Public Health Journal and Journal of Psychosocial Interventions. Among his media appearances, Dr. Lutzker has been interviewed on National Public Radio's Morning Edition and ABC’s Good Morning America, and he served as a consultant for 60 Minutes on CBS. His applied research involves the prevention of child abuse and neglect and parents with intellectual disabilities. He lives with his wife, Sandra, in Sandy Springs, Georgia.