Hank Schlinger Jr, PhD, BCBA-D
CE Course & Workshop Instructor

Henry D. (Hank) Schlinger, Jr. received his PhD in Psychology (Applied Behavior Analysis) from Western Michigan University under the supervision of Jack Michael. He then completed a two-year National Institutes of Health-funded post-doctoral fellowship in behavioral pharmacology with Alan Poling. He was a full tenured professor of psychology at Western New England University in Springfield, Massachusetts, before moving to Los Angeles in 1998. He is now a professor of psychology and former director of the M.S. program in Applied Behavior Analysis in the Department of Psychology at California State University, Los Angeles. Dr. Schlinger has published more than 65 scholarly articles and commentaries in more than 20 different journals. He also has authored or co-authored three books, Psychology: A Behavioral Overview (1990), A Behavior-Analytic View of Child Development (1995) (which was translated into Japanese), and Introduction to Scientific Psychology(1998). He is a past editor of The Analysis of Verbal Behavior and The Behavior Analyst and is on the editorial boards of several other journals. He also serves on the board of trustees of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies.