Bryon Neff, PhD, BCBA-D
CE Course & Workshop Instructor

Bryon Neff received his Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis from Florida Institute of Technology, a Master of Science in Behavior Analysis from the University of North Texas and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Illinois. He currently works with ABA Technologies, Inc., as a curriculum development specialist and is assisting Florida Tech in the dissemination of the new hybrid Master of Arts in Professional Behavior Analysis. Since 2009, Bryon has taught several different courses in behavior analysis for Florida Tech. Bryon is also employed by Optimal, a consulting firm that focuses on streamlining processes and improving business results for human service agencies. Previously, he worked for the University of South Florida. While at USF, he supervised and coordinated the Behavior Analysis Services program, a statewide program that employed over 60 BCBAs and provided consultative and behavior analytic services to Florida’s foster care system. Bryon coauthored several training curricula designed to teach behavior management skills to parents and professionals. He also chaired a local peer review committee and had a key role in facilitating statewide projects for Florida’s Department of Children and Families, such as revising behavior analysis practice standards for the child welfare system and providing recommendations for legislative change. Furthermore, Bryon has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and has presented at numerous state and national conferences.