How to Incorporate Self-Care Strategies Into Your Behavior-Analytic Practice
The goal of ABA practitioners is to help consumers of behavior-analytic services achieve meaningful outcomes. Such a noble goal demands the identification and implementation of effective interventions. It is clear the implementation of effective treatment involves the manipulation of relevant environmental events influencing the behavior of consumers. But, an aspect sometimes overlooked is the environmental events that could affect the behavior of analysts responsible for conducting therapeutic interventions and making treatment recommendations.
2020 has been a challenging year. We are facing a global pandemic that has impacted our personal and professional lives. As behavior analysts, it is our responsibility to identify when events can impact the quality of our services - as indicated in the BACB's Profession and Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts (section 1.05-f).
The journal of Behavior Analysis in Practice has published a series of articles that could be helpful. We wanted to share a couple of these articles to help disseminate this valuable information:
- Moran, D.J., Ming, S. The Mindful Action Plan: Using the MAP to Apply Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Productivity and Self-Compassion for Behavior Analysts. Behav Analysis Practice (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-020-00441-y
- Fiebig, J.H., Gould, E.R., Ming, S. et al. An Invitation to Act on the Value of Self-Care: Being a Whole Person in All That You Do. Behav Analysis Practice 13, 559–567 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-020-00442-x