Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020
The end of the year can be a busy time of hustle and bustle as you wrap up work and manage the end of year holiday celebrations. With another year coming to a close, it is the perfect time to reflect and set your sights for 2020. Reflect on 2019 - Think back over the year and all that you have accomplished! We can lose sight of all that we have done if we do not take a few moments to reflect.
- Write down each goal you achieved in both your personal and professional life.
- Write each goal you had set for yourself but did not achieve. Was there something that got in the way, or did that goal seem irrelevant as other priorities emerged?
- Look at each goal you achieved, should this be added to your resume? And/or celebrate with your team?
- Look at the goals that were not achieved, are these worthy of carrying forward with a new goal in the new year?

Look ahead for 2020 - Now consider the new year, what do you want to accomplish in 2020? As you develop goals for the year, ensure the goals are SMART - that is Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART Goals are attributed to Peter Drucker’s work with Managing by Objectives and has been well adopted since for making descript goals with time targets.
Specific – Include what exactly you want to accomplish and why it is important.
Measurable – Include how the goal will be measured so you can track progress toward the goal. How will you know when you have achieved the goal?
Attainable – Ensure the goal is realistic for the timeframe. If necessary, break large goals down into smaller subgoals. Progress toward a longer-term goal can be a goal!
Relevant - Ensure the goal is worthwhile at this time to spend the energy.
Time-bound – Goals should be tied to time. When will you achieve this goal? Be realistic about how long it will take to complete the goal.
Consider setting goals for yourself at work and in your personal life. After all, having a target keeps us engaged and moving toward bigger things. Professional goals can include completing a degree or certification, completing a project at work, developing skills in new areas through professional development activities, or helping a client achieve a new milestone. Personal goals can include wellness activities such as losing weight or spending time meditating, running a marathon, paying off debt, or volunteering in your local community.