Florida Tech BACB Certification: Which Path Should You Choose?

ABAI LogoThere are a variety of paths that individuals take to enter the field of behavior analysis. A few take a direct route by entering a graduate program in behavior analysis after undergrad. Still, many pursue behavior analysis at a later time. Some individuals first pursue education or psychology and later find that behavior analysis bolsters their primary career. Others seek out behavior analysis for a change in career entirely. Regardless of the path one takes, completing a Verified Course Sequence (VCS) will provide a foundation in behavior analysis on which to build a career.  

Florida Tech’s ABA Online Program

Florida Tech logoThe Florida Tech ABA Online program offers an interactive, supportive, and flexible way for individuals to complete the coursework required for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®) certification. Because the program is an ABAI Verified Course Sequence (VCS), students can be certain that the coursework they complete meets BACB coursework requirements. This coursework, in conjunction with high-quality supervision, prepares students for certification and a career in behavior analysis. Although the Florida Tech ABA Online Program offers a variety of online ABA programs, the BCBA® program is appropriate for those individuals who already have a master’s degree, but lack the coursework required for certification at the BCBA level.   

BACB 4th and 5th Edition Task List Standards

What’s with all this 4th & 5th Edition business? 

The BACB implements standards for what university programs must teach students for them to meet minimum certification requirements. The standards currently in place are the BACB 4th Edition Task List standards. Students may complete coursework and supervised experience and apply for certification under these standards through December 31, 2021. 

All applications submitted after December 31, 2021, must comply with the BACB 5th Edition Task List standards. The change in standards means an increase in the number of coursework and supervised experience hours required for certification, but it also means a loosening in degree requirements (i.e., a master’s degree in any field is acceptable).  

Which BACB Certification Path is Best for You?

Use the infographic below to learn whether you are eligible for the program, and if so, which of the three paths is best for you.

  4th and 5th edition infographic 

Path #1: Register Today for 4th Edition

Path 1 info

This is the quickest and least expensive option. For those who already have a master’s degree in an approved area (Education, Psychology, or Behavior Analysis), or who will before December 21, 2021, and who can complete both the coursework and supervised experience hours. Completing the 4th Edition Verified Course Sequence is the fastest and least expensive route to completing the required coursework.

Path #2: Register Today for Combined 4th & 5th Edition

path 2 infoBeginning coursework now has an advantage, as it will allow you to begin accumulating supervised experience hours as soon as you begin your first course. This is an advantage for those who expect that it will take them an extended period of time to finish the needed supervision hours. Students taking this route can combine the Florida Tech 4th and 5th Edition BCBA level courses to meet 5th Edition requirements. Students may take up to two terms of 4th Edition courses and then complete the 5th Edition sequence.

Path #3: Register Today for 5th Edition

Path 3 infoApply to begin the 5th edition VCS during or after the Fall 2020 term and complete a curriculum sequence specifically tailored to the 5th Edition Task List. The Task List contains the knowledge and skills you will need to master before taking the BCBA exam. This is the best path for those who know they will need to meet 5th Edition standards and who want to complete a single Verified Course Sequence.

What Are the Courses Like?

All courses in the BCBA sequence are online and aim to provide an interactive and supportive experience for all students. 

The Course Sequence includes:  

  • Online instructional videos that can be watched at any time throughout the unit weeks
  • Scheduled online meetings with a BCBA co-instructor who reviews content and answers questions (1 hr. per week)
  • Small classes (~12-15 students per section) 
  • Online unit tests and final exam
  • Optional discussion boards to communicate with instructors and classmates


How Many Credits are Required?

  • 4th Edition BCBA program requires a total of 18 credits and can be completed in as few as 18 months
  • 5th Edition BCBA program will require a total of 21 credits


4th Edition Schedule & Pricing

Course Schedule

5th Edition Schedule & Pricing


BCaBA Course Sequence


BCBA Course Sequence

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4th and 5th edition infographic




Profile picture for user Antoniophymn
Thanks much for this info, which is exactly I am seeking! For Path 2!!

ABA Technologies

Profile picture for user ABA Technologies
Great! We’re so happy this blog was useful for you, Aravinda!


Profile picture for user Antoniophymn
I am interested in Path #2. Could you please tell me which courses from 4th edition will be fully transferable to the 5th edition?

ABA Technologies

Profile picture for user ABA Technologies
The best thing for you to do is to contact Florida Tech ABA Student Services. Email: abaonline@fit.edu
Registration: (321) 674-8382 option 2. They will answer your questions about the 4th and 5th edition. Thank you!

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